From information recently compiled for a Change of Venue Motion, it is clear that January 6 defendants cannot get a fair trial in D.C.. The chart above shows how much local media has been publishing January 6 articles with the term "Insurrection". It is adjusted for the size of the jury pool, and includes D.C., the entire country, and other selected geographies.
From day 1, the D.C. local media has blasted "Insurrection!" at levels of over 5 times the rest of the country. If we assume that national media is applied equally to all geographies (a generous assumption), it is the local media that will show geographic bias.
The study, authored by Watchpost Analytics, utilized an international database of media, including TV, radio, print, and on-line. All sources have an estimated reach. Watchpost Analytics utilized advanced filtering and identification tools to identify almost 1.5 million media mentions between January 6, 2021 and November 2, 2023. Each of these sources was also defined as local or national in their reach. Then, the reach is further adjusted for the size of the jury pool, to arrive at a per-juror introspective view of media.
While there are many search terms included in the analysis, none comes close to "Insurrection" in its separation of D.C. from the rest of the country.
Other findings:
The quantity of media mentions in D.C. is significantly and uniquely higher than the rest of the country.
The media influence in D.C. is 82% higher than the US average.
Local media in D.C. for Jan 6 accounts for 51% of total media influence, compared to 11% nationally.
Washington D.C. had significantly higher media influence across time. This continues through 2023.
Every search term relating to January 6 shows that Washington, D.C. has a higher level of prominence than the US as a whole – 57% higher.
All comparison geographies have similar total media influence, except for Washington, D.C.
The final study is included below. By downloading this document, you are agreeing to source any publication or dissemination of this work to: Watchpost Analytics, LLC.